UI/UX Design & Full Stack Web Development

Discover our innovative approach

Our mission-driven development framework provides a lean approach to leveraging traditional agile values ​​and scaling the scope of our developments. This gives us enough guidance to put a solid structure in place while implementing, managing and maintaining our projects smoothly.

programmers for web

Mission discovery: 

We start discussing ideas, challenges, opportunities and tech trends that surround the project, these help us explore solution possibilities and outline the ideal product & its value.

Everything that gets validated enters the Mission Backlog, which continuously evolves depending on discovery activities and feedback collection. 

Achieving a solid mission definition provides a clear picture of business challenges & development boundaries, while allowing squads to shine. 

Squad assembly: 

Agile coaches are in charge of squads assembly.  They must consider several factors such mission complexity, developers’ knowledge, skills & interests…even the chemistry among each other. 

Squads are the accountable actors for the mission tackling. They work in cycles and can me mixed after every cycle ending, that way they can cooperate to each other & share knowledge.

team of programmers
Information Architecture. Roadmapping


Weekly cycles:

Cycles are 6-week periods that allow teams to follow the same timeline for basic planning while having a sufficiently applicable window to deliver a meaningful result.

While this period may seem long to some Agile professionals, it offers significant benefits for teams, as it maintains commitment to the product vision without falling into short processes full of fixes & small actions that threaten teams’ autonomy to explore and choose the best solutions.

Product management-usability testing

Buffer iteration:

This innovative framework includes a buffer period of 2 or 3 weeks for innovation activities, final integrations & deployments and next cycle planning, among other training & skills development activities. 

This period is a practice replicated not only through Mission Driven Development frameworks but for other scaling approaches and it relies on identify knowledge gaps & needs for next cycle. 

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